martes, 27 de octubre de 2009

My description!!!*

My name is Judith. I am thirteen years old, but nearly fourteen. I am not very tall and thin, I am normal. I’ve got a medium-length hair, a little bit blond and straight hair. When the weather it’s very hot I make me up a pony tail; and like me, all the girls are wearing a fringe that covers the eye. I’m brown-eyed, but it’s a light brown colour. I have an oval face, but not very much. In summer, under my eyes I have a lot of freckles. I’ve got one brother he’s called Àlex; he’s coming next year at high school. My parents are called Luis and Paqui and my dog is called Balto, it’s a westie. I live in Vilamalla, a little village next to Vilafant, but I prefer Vilafant. My best friends are; Laia, Elena, Aina, Jordi and Quim P., but the other people are my friends too. My favourite subjects are English, French and Spanish, I like a lot language, but I prefer the foreign ones. In my free time, I like to meet with my friends, watch a film in the sofa and eat pizza at the weekend, I like the weekend because it’s the time in which you relax, but I like the week and the stress of the homework, exams... too. My favourite TV programmes are “Física o Química” and “Crackòvia”

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