martes, 27 de octubre de 2009

My style!!

For me jeans of “pitillo”, sweatshirts and Converse are essentials. I also like t-shirts with messages or with funny decorate. I’ve got a black and white “palestina” and also sheriff sunglasses. I quite like jewels, only the bracelets; I love them! The most important thing is wear something cute for you! There’s not a celebrity who describes my style but I think Selena’s Gomez style is similar to mine, but I follow my own style. I usually wear black, green, grey, red colours; I don’t like showy colours, they make you to be the attention centre. Like I said before, I usually wear jeans of “pitillo”, sweatshirts, t-shirts with messages and my Converse trainers. I don’t wear any type of gothic, punk, rock...styles, I wear a mixture of styles, taking something of some styles, I like casual or surf style. The clothes that makes me different to the rest is my style I don’t follow the fashion or going like all the people, that’s the thing that makes me different to the rest. My style is...My own style! I don’t like very much accessories but if I have to choose, I like the bracelets and the sunglasses.

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